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Truth, Order, Obedience. La destra cattolica negli Stati Uniti

This article explores the political attitudes of the United States Catholic Church by focusing on Conservatism in its widest meaning, from socio-economic liberalism to nationalism, militarism and patriotism. It also points out how the hierarchy has shaped the whole process taking into account the complex interactions between the need to listen to the faithful, the need to remain loyal to the Pope, and the need to be legitimized as an “American” institution. The analysis is articulated in a historical perspective, distinguishing among various eras: : origins, slavery and the Civil War, twentieth century wars, the Forties, the Fifties, Council Vatican II, and  contemporary conflicts up to the attack on Capitol Hill.

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Cristina Mattiello
titolo rivista di riferimento: 
“One Nation under God”: storie, sviluppi e attualità delle destre religiose statunitensi
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